Thursday, May 15, 2014

Paven har vært i FN og oppfordret statene til å forplikte seg til økonomisk omfordeling.

Har pave Francis lest brevet vi sendte i november? Representanter for borgerlønnbevegelsen i Norge, Sverige og Danmark sendte dette brevet for å be han støtte det Europeiske folkeinitiativet.

Dear Pope Francis,

Thank you for adressing some of the biggest challenges facing humanity today.

You are talking about the real problems and suffering of humanity. You are even suggesting that we need a new and just economic system which make it possible for ordinary people to live their life in dignity. You give hope to all of us who are working for a better future for all. 

We are members of the basic income movement in the Scandinavian countries; Sweden, Denmark and Norway.  Our countries are still relatively well functioning welfare states and we have a mainly protestant tradition. We still see you as a wonderful spiritual leader for us all - we are one humanity. Thank you for this loving and including quote -

«Since many of you do not belong to the Catholic Church and others are non-believers, from the bottom of my heart I give this silent blessing to each and every one of you, respecting the conscience of each one of you but knowing that each one of you is a child of God.»

This email is sent to request you to support the the European Citizens' Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income.

The Unconditional Basic Income is defined by the following four criteria: 
  • universal 
  • individual
  • unconditional 
  • high enough to ensure an existence in dignity and participation in society

Universal Basic Income should not replace the welfare state but rather complete and transform it from a compensatory into an emancipatory welfare state. When all the people have covered their basic needs they might be can be empowered througth this new freedom to start building a just and peaceful world. 

On the 30th of november 29 members of the European Parliament signed this statement of support:

The initiative still has a long way to go. Before January 14 2014 one million signatures must be collected. Still there is more than 850 000 signatures needed and only 45 days to collect them. We will be very grateful if you want to publicly support this initiative and I hope that this letter might make this possible. 

An universal basic income in EU can inspire the citizens in the rest of the world and we all belong to the humanity. 

Without sharing there can be no justice; without justice there can be no peace; without peace, there can be no future.

Anja Askeland, Norway
Grete Antona Nilsen, Norway
Karsten Lieberkind, Denmark
Martin Jordö, Sweden

active in

Her er Pavens tale til FN:

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